Workout for Building Muscles

Warm-up for Everyday

30 Push-ups (except Chest Day) + 20 Pull-ups (or Chin-ups)

Chest Day - Monday

1) Incline Dumbbell Bench Press - 15,12,10,8 reps

2) Incline Barbell Bench Press - 15,12,10,8 reps

3) Barbell Bench Press - 15,12,10 reps

4) Decline Barbell Bench Press - 15,12,10 reps

5) Machine Fly - 15,12,10 reps

6) Dumbbell Fly - 15,12,10 reps

7) Cable Standing Chest Press - 15,12,10 reps

Back Day - Tuesday

1) Wide-grip Lat Pull-down - 15,12,10,8 reps

2) Seated Row - 15,12,10,8 reps

3) One-arm Dumbbell Bench Row - 15,12,10 reps

4) Cable Straight-arm Pull-down - 15,12,10 reps

5) Dumbbell Pull-over - 15,12,10 reps

6) Underhand Cable Pull-down - 15,12,10 reps

Leg Day - Wednesday & Saturday

1) Free Squat - 100 reps

2) Barbell Back Squat - 3x10 reps

3) Walking Lunges - 3x20 reps

4) Seated Leg Extension - 15,12,10 reps

5) Leg Press - 15,12,10 reps

6) Lying Leg Curl - 15,12,10 reps

7) Dumbbell Stiffed-leg Deadlift - 15,12,10 reps

Shoulder Day - Thursday

1) Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 15,12,10,8 reps

2) Alternating Dumbbell Front Raise - 15,12,10,8 reps

3) Lateral Raise - 15,12,10 reps

4) Seated Barbell Overhead Press - 15,12,10 reps

5) Cable Upright Row - 15,12,10 reps

6) Dumbbell Shrugs - 15,12,10 reps

Biceps & Triceps Day - Friday

1) Seated Alternating Dumbbell Biceps Curl - 15,12,10,8 reps

2) Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl - 15,12,10,8 reps

3) Standing Barbell Curl - 15,12,10 reps

4) One-arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl - 15,12,10 reps

5) Straight Bar Triceps Push-down - 15,12,10,8 reps

6) Seated Triceps Extension - 15,12,10 reps

7) Bench Dips - 100 reps

8) Cable Rope Triceps Push-down - 15,12,10 reps


9 am: Breakfast + Milk

1 pm: 2 Roti + Sabji + Dal

7 pm (Before Workout): 1 Banana + 2 Slices of Brown Bread

9 pm (After Workout): 200g Chicken Breast + 4 Egg-whites

Note: (1) Avoiding Rice, Potato, Sweets, Chai & Fast Foods. (2) Either Saturday or Sunday can be a cheat day.


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