CBS Raipur Question Papers

Click here to download or upload question papers!

Hi CBSians!

We all know that finding previous years' question papers during exams is a difficult task.

To make this task easy, we all have to come together and put in some effort.

Let's upload whatever question papers you have on the website we created.

When you will open the website there will be a button named 'Upload pdf' press it, and a simple form will be opened that will ask for a subject name,  subject code, semester, session, and a pdf file (not more than 2MB). Fill it and then click submit and the question paper  file  will be uploaded 

For seeing uploaded files :

1. In the navigation bar there is a tab called Question paper. When you will click it.

2. It will open a page and will ask for a semester click the button of your semester and then click the button of your subject.

3. It will now display every pdf of your subject that has been uploaded 

Link to the website :

Click here to download or upload question papers!


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